HE TANGATA – It’s about people and training
Bespoke cultural competency courses catering to all levels, designed to build understanding of te ao Māori within organisations
CQ Training
Supporting authentic and meaningful relationships between organisations and iwi
Personalised consultations to refresh knowledge of tikanga and te reo Māori in preparation for events and speaking engagements
Ongoing support
The CQ programme was pitched well – as we had a wide range of attendees from new Kiwis with zero understanding , to others with a fair bit of exposure but still learning to do.
- Anonymous participant.
Feeling more confident, connected and more aware of how much I don’t know
- Anonymous participant.
Highlights of working with Anderson Lloyd
We regard Anderson Lloyd as the cornerstone client for the delivery of our CQ programme.The Anderson Lloyd team supported NAIA to build a collaborative, enjoyable, and comfortable learning environment. The leadership team have been learning alongside the other participants, and this has been a hugely positive influence on how the whole group have approached the programme. It has been incredibly rewarding to work with such an enthusiastic team over the last two years.
Feedback/Impact on what we've done so far
The workshop around developing appropriate mihi was enlightening for most. For many Pākehā the Māori concept of association to mountains and rivers doesn’t resonate and can cause angst when people think they have to fit into this idea. There was considerable relief from many as we explored alternative ways to mihi that are appropriate, relevant and meaningful to the individual.
Projects Narrative:
CQ Development Programme
The point of the programme was to pass on knowledge about te ao Māori, promote a better understanding of te ao Māori, and build confidence in the Anderson Lloyd team so that they are better able to engage with Māori.
Lunchbox Presentation Series
The lunchbox presentation series aims to continue to grow the team's knowledge and broader understanding of te ao Māori. Facilitated by Rocky Roberts, this series involves multiple guest speakers who will present on a localised view of the regions Anderson Lloyd are based in, as well as specific interest topics specific to the business including; Ngāi Tahu Freshwater Claim; New Zealand Water: Water Reforms/ Te Mana o te Wai; Legal identity for sites of significance; and, Treaty in action.
Coaching & Advice
We also work with Anderson Lloyd on personal coaching and advice. The most common request for support has been helping staff prepare a mihi and/or te reo Māori translations. Typically this consists of an initial consultation to ascertain existing language ability, the context of the situation and the audience to ensure that NAIA can provide the most appropriate advice.