We worked with Wairewa Rūnanga and their advisory group on two strategies in 2022, both of which had an overall vision of long-term growth and development for their hapū: Kāti Irakehu; and Kāti Makō. The first strategy, was for the planning and development of their physical spaces through a new Marae Development Plan. The second strategy was a long-term Te Reo Māori Language Strategy. The development of both strategies required consultation and engagement with whānau which we supported through the facilitation of wānanga held at the marae, giving whānau time to contribute and share their dreams and aspirations for what they want to be and see in the future. Our role in the strategies were to help amplify whānau voices in a tangible and visible way through research, work-plans, and strategy development. Ultimately they will drive and lead the fulfilment of these aspirations moving forward. We were proud to be able to support Wairewa Rūnanga in this part of their future planning, and we're excited to see the outcomes that it will have for their hapū.
• Strategy and analysis
• Facilitation